flip book
Measurement | Score (1-5) |
Simplicity | 5 |
Characters | 4 |
Entertainment | 4 |
Themes | 3 |
Total | 16 |
I gave flip book a 5 in simplicity because they are easy to use and you can see every thing you can do in flip book. It was very simple to use since all the keys are so easy to get in and use it. All the keys that you need to use are very easy to make and create anything that you want to do. It is very simple to use it since you can create any characters that you can think of by just drawing them into the screen. All you have to do is come up with an idea to create something by just making it by your hands. The buttons you use can help you out so much since it is so simple to put it on. All you have to learn is to come up with an idea to do everything you can do with it all.
I gave it a 4 for the different characters to choose from. In flip book you create the character by doing your best job in drawing it. It could help you if it would give you some different types of drawings that are ready for you to use. The characters can't really be just anything you can do by just drawing it you must know how well it would come out. In everything about characters can be different by the way you see it like if you suck at drawing then the only characters you can choose from are probably just stick figures. If you are better at drawing then that could make you see it as a possibility to draw many different types of characters for the flip book.
I gave it a 4 for entertainment because it is really fun to do all the things you want to draw and do whatever you want. It really helps you out if you can draw and play around with the pictures slide to make something to do. The things you can do for the flip book can help you make any thing that you can create.
I gave it a 3 in themes because it didn't have many themes that you can choose from since all the themes you choose from you have to create on your own. The themes you get to choose from aren't that helpful if you have to create everything from only your mind. your mind will help you on everything you have to do for flip book.
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